Hi, thanks for visiting my website.

During the day I work with clients like Annika Kappner’s Deep Planetary Sensing, Unreasonable Studios, Cahill & Partners, YMusic and Fraunhofer HHI developing sonics for new media installations, immersive audio environments for XR applications, and hi resolution audio transmission solutions.

During the night I broadcast gorgeous music on my radio show Embraceable Silence / Disappearing Mirror
for Cashmere Radio and dive deep into the arts, music, technology, and philosophy. 

Here is my latest publication for HUB: Journal in Artistic Research in Art, Design and Society

My last release was Sun Dial I: (DCF77) and recent live performances include a solo synthesizer set 
for the Q3A Ambientfest and as pianist for the Ever Present Orchestra in 
Singuhr’s Resonant Spaces - Extended Bodies: Alvin Lucier

If you’d like to find out more or say hello/goodbye please write me: info (at) ericmaltz.com
